Dr. Sandra Piesik

Advisory Board

Dr. Sandra Piesik is an award-winning architect, author, and scientist specializing in nature-based solutions, innovation, art, design, and science. She is the founder of Amsterdam-based ‘3 ideas’ consultancy and registered architect in the UK as well as the USA. Her diverse global engagements range from leading research and development projects, international lectures, judging competitions, and the nomination of awards. Dr Piesik is a stakeholder and network member of several UN and EU organizations including UNFCCC: The Resilience Frontiers, the Nairobi Work Programme (NWP), the Paris Committee on Capacity Building (PCCB), the Climate and Technology Centre & Network (CTCN), and the EU’s New European Bauhaus initiative. She is also an affiliate at the SETI Institute, California AIR Program.

Her published work includes: ‘HABITAT: Vernacular Architecture for a Changing Climate’ (published in May 2023 by Thames & Hudson and Shufusha); ‘HABITAT: Vernacular Architecture for a Changing Planet’ (2017 published by: Thames & Hudson, Abrams Books, Flammarion, Editions Detail and Blume) ’Arish: Palm-Leaf Architecture’ (2012 published by: Thames & Hudson).

“Dance as a form of art remains an important part of our cultural expression through movement, music, and sound. Contemporary dance, in particular, offers a unique creative and emotional processing of events we are confronted with for performers, choreographers, and the audience. Meeting Sonia Plumb in London in 2019 through the most unexpected introduction in relation to the ‘Leonardo da Vinci: A Life in Drawing’ Exhibition at Buckingham Palace, opened the door to a fascinating multidisciplinary exchange of ideas reflecting on the changing world and our Planet, whilst placing people in the center of our ongoing creative collaboration.”

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